The Plaza Trumpet:

The Plaza Model Medium Large Bore trumpet provides a rich and refined sound for a more Symphonic minded trumpeter. From pedal tones to unbelievably high register, the response is even and consistent. The instrument features a one-piece hand-hammered yellow 'cartridge brass' bell, which is spun out to 5". The combination of tapers used on the bell and leadpipe provide a musician one of the most effortless to play, while maintaining a rich and refined sound. You'll find an incredible carrying power of tone with uncompromised control.


Plaza Trumpet

- .460” Bore
- 4.75” Yellow Brass One Piece Hand Hammered Bell
- B.A.C. Custom “B25” Leadpipe
- .345” Venturi
- Yellow Brass Dual Radius Main Tuning Slide
- Available in Lacquer or Silver
- Protec Pro-Pac Contoured Case

C Trumpet

- .460 Yellow Brass Reverse B25 Leadpipe

- 4 7/8" 239 Style Seamless Copper Bell

- .348 Venturi

- Dual Radius Yellow Brass Leadpipe

- Protec Pro-Pac Contoured Case

The Plaza Trombone:

The Plaza Model Symphonic Large Bore and Bass Trombone was designed for a musician seeking a full, bombastic trombone, with incredible and complete control. The instrument features a yellow brass hand hammered one-piece bell. The taper of the bell paired with the yellow 'cartridge brass' provides a beautiful balance between superb intonation, solid core of sound and flexibility for the musician. The lightweight yellow brass handslide feels lighting fast and surpasses expectations for quick and effortless passages of music.


Plaza Trombone

- .547” Nickel Silver Slide
- .562” Open F-wrap
- 8.5” Yellow Brass Hand Hammered One Piece Bell
- .451” Venturi
- Nickel Gooseneck
- Bright Finish
- Protec Pro-Pac Contoured Case

Plaza Bass Trombone

- .562” Yellow Brass Slide with Nickel Silver Crook
- .593” Open Wrap
- 9.369” Yellow Brass Lightweight Hand Hammered One Piece Bell
- .489” Venturi
- Roberts Copy Leadpipe
- Bright Finish
- Protec Pro-Pac Contoured Case